Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Make Casseroles, Save the Planet

It's the time of the year when everyone is thinking about turkeys and holiday gifts, and big dinners, and to what charities to contribute. So, I'm on the Internet like crazy, shopping for Christmas presents, and going to various sales. Man, do I drive a lot, I thought. And, if I'm ordering stuff from the Internet, aren't I sending others to do the shipping (i.e. driving) for me across the country from some fulfillment warehouse? It's a conundrum. I decided, then, I should order from as few sources as possible, and have the gifts shipped to as few addresses as possible. For me, it means my home in Pasadena, and then to my in-laws on Long Island. I mean, have you tried to pack gifts in bags and carry them on board a plane? Geesh!

Anyway, I saw in an email today about various other ways to be less of an environmentally-unfriendly glutton.

Recycle glass, paper, aluminum and plastics.

Buy recycled paper products and supplies.

Telecommute if possible.

Turn down the air conditioning.

Shutting off your computer at closing time will reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 83%.

Install a programmable light timer that reduces light usage during off-peak hours.

Install a programmable thermostat and talk to your employer about other ways to save energy at work.

Source: http://democrats.assembly.ca.gov/members/globalwarming/ad49/action.aspx

I'm sure there are a lot of other ways we can reduce our "Carbon Imprint," as they call it these days. I heard about the Carbon Fund in some article I read a while ago, about how you can make up for the traveling you do, especially if you fly, by contributing to the Fund. I think they plant trees and stuff like that. There's also a nifty Carbon Calculator that helps you determine how much carbon dioxide you are emitting into the environment via auto or air travel. There's even a way to plan a carbon neutral wedding. With my little 2001 Jetta, I'm emitting 27 tons of CO2. That's mind boggling. If getting on a charity mailing list is not the answer, then select the Carbon Fund on your Good Search search engine. You can contribute to them anonymously that way via everyday Internet searches (about a penny per search credit) and Good Shop buys (about 1 %-6% avg. credit, depending on vendor). The only problem is, you may "owe" $150 to become carbon neutral, and it takes a lot of Good Search searches or Good Shop purchases to raise that much, virtually.

Anyways, I'm learning to unplug my radio, toaster, coffee maker, and any other non-essential household appliances. I've also told my parents to unplug as well, and my father actually listened to my advice! In addition, I started turning off my computer at the end of the day at work, when I hadn't done so for the past four years! And, maybe I should be more efficient in how I cook. Maybe making casseroles is the way to go, because I can bake an entire balanced meal in one shot. Or, I should simply boil food, because food cooks faster. Hmm, I have to think this through more.

By now, it's obvious that I'm a believer of global warming. I met someone about six months ago on the street who said he does not believe in global warming. I asked him what he thought was warming the earth. He said, "it's the sun." I don't think he thought through my question, or his answer, for that matter. I was actually hoping to hear something profound and alternative, but to no avail.

Anybody have any other ideas on how to conserve and reduce your Carbon Imprint in this world? I'd appreciate any feedback!

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Pasadena, California, United States
A Los Angeleno and Pasadenaphile who dreams of a better, cleaner and safer world for future generations.

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