Monday, October 15, 2007

Update: Parenting/Kids Blog Coming...

I hope to provide a new blog on parenting and kids soon (within the next month) to interested readers out there. I am currently working on streamlining my topics so that folks can customize their subscriptions and not feel inundated by my recent plethora of posts. I have made some updates to, so feel free to visit and re-subscribe via a feed (where you would control the amount of blogs emailed to you). Appologies to all who felt overwhelmed by my recent bountiful posts!

Please also vote on my poll regarding topics you want me to explore. If you do not see a topic of interest, please suggest a topic via the blog comment section, or email (assuming you have my email). I enjoy reading people's comments on how they relate to the topics, or if they have tips or advice that will benefit all readers, that's great, too! Heck, I'll take a simple shout out! =)

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About Me

Pasadena, California, United States
A Los Angeleno and Pasadenaphile who dreams of a better, cleaner and safer world for future generations.

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