Friday, December 07, 2007

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

When considering giving a gift card this season, you may want to get the Good Card. This is a gift card for charity, available as a physical card or email card. The minimum purchase amount is only $10 (up to $250), and 100% of the amount goes to the charity of choice. Furthermore, the $5 per card processing and handling fee is tax-deductible, so you'll feel good about giving this gift, knowing it will truly go to a worthy cause. And, your friends will feel good about spending it, too!

For Christmas delivery, order by December 10.


lwtsh said...
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lwtsh said...

Thanks for hosting your blog re: the city to be in! I'm a Pasadenaphile as well.

It's somewhat of a shame that the school district is not very good. Otherwise, I'd probably live here until I die.

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Pasadena, California, United States
A Los Angeleno and Pasadenaphile who dreams of a better, cleaner and safer world for future generations.

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