Friday, October 10, 2008

Europane's New Savory Delight

I discovered the new Cheese Ball pastry at Europane, and it's heavenly. At first, it looked just like any puff pastry that is rolled and baked into a big, crusty, fluffy, snail shell-like croissant. It's not a croissant, but it could easily be mistaken as one at first glance. There are light flecks of sharp cheese on top -- likely cheddar -- baked in and crunchy, without overwhelming the soft, delicate and semi-spongy interior. When the lady behind the counter first told me it was a "cheese ball," my first instincts were to say under my breath, "Eww, cream cheese." However, I took a risk, based on the crusted top, which hinted at something savory, rather than sweet.

I tore open the crisp shell, and bit into the "cheeks" of the Cheese Ball. It was so light, and just hints of the sharp cheese enraptured my tongue. A perfect balance. A savory delight. I think the perfect accompaniment for this pastry would have been something other than my decaf coffee. Perhaps a perfect afternoon pairing would be an Earl Grey, or even champagne. The next time I have my Cheese Ball, I will try it with a lemon tea, laced with honey. Perhaps I will special order some for a special dinner.

Pictures to come...

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Pasadena, California, United States
A Los Angeleno and Pasadenaphile who dreams of a better, cleaner and safer world for future generations.

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